Where are the cottages located?
Kolmen Koukun cottages are located in the center of Saariselkä. You can find the addresses on our website.
How much does a cottage week cost?
The price of accommodation depends on the time, the chosen cottage and the number of people. The minimum is two people and two days. You can check the free times and prices of the cottages in the booking calendar 24/7, and you can also easily make a reservation through the booking calendar.
Will the entire cottage rental bill be paid at once?
Yes. If you want to pay in two parts, please contact Antti: .
Are final cleaning, bed linen and towels included in the accommodation price?
Yes. The accommodation price includes accommodation, parking, use of the car heating pole, wireless internet, final cleaning, bed linen and towels. In addition, the cottages have skis, and often also toboggans for the residents to use.
Bathrobes, extra sets of towels and lift tickets for ski lifts are not included in the accommodation price and can be purchased separately when booking in the online store or before the start of your stay by emailing .
Where can I get the key to the cottage?
The key has been taken to the key bank next to the front door of the cottage and is waiting for you there. You will receive the code for the key bank in your email before the start of your stay.
What time can I get to the cottage? What about the check-out time?
Check-in is at 4 p.m. and check-out by 12 p.m.
Can you get to Saariselka from the airport by public transport?
Yes, the airport bus runs according to the schedule of incoming and outgoing flights, it is done separately for each month. You can check the timetables of the Saariselkä airport bus at https://www.eskelisen.fi/aikataulut-ja-reitit/.
Can I charge an electric car with the cottage’s electricity?
Unfortunately, the electric car cannot be charged from the cottage’s electrical outlet. The nearest electric car charging point can be found at Neste Saariselkä gas station.
Is it easy to get to the ski track from the cottage?
Yes, all cabins are just a short walk to the ski tracks, you don’t need a car.
Can I order a wooden heated hot tub in the cottage’s yard?
It is possible to order a hot tub for the yard of Tunturipöllö (Raitopolku 16) and Kelo (Raitopolku 4). Ordering a hot tub must always be agreed in advance. We charge €35 extra for the firewood for the hot tub.
I want to surprise my travel partner, can you help?
Yes, we are happy to help. Tell us what you have in mind or ask for ideas!
Can experience services be booked when booking a cottage?
We cooperate with two local companies that provide activities, experiences and equipment services, so feel free to ask if you have something in mind.
Can I come to the cottage with a pet?
Unfortunately, pets cannot be brought into the cottages.
Are the detergents used for cleaning the cottage and washing the bedding fragrance-free?
The laundry uses fragrance-free detergents. In cleaning, detergents are generally fragrance-free, excluding those used to wash mirrors and windows and those used to remove more difficult stains.
My friends would like to come with us to the cottage. Can the number of people be changed?
Yes. We can make an invoice for additional people even if the cottage rent has already been paid.